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8 Things to Check During Rental Inspections According to Northern Virginia Property Management

Inspections are one of the best ways to preserve and maintain your return on investment in a rental property.

Maintenance issues that go unreported and renter damage can add up, especially when left for a long time to compound the issue. Let our Northern Virginia Property Management help you conduct mid-lease inspections to ensure you’re looking in all the right places to protect your investment!


Filters and coils need to be kept clean! Furnace filters are often out of sight and out of mind. But when they are clogged, the reduced airflow can cause whole systems to freeze up in the summer. The entire system will have to work much harder year-round, taking years off the life of the unit. Check the filter and the exterior evaporator coils to be sure they’re clean. If they aren’t, taking the time to manage it while you’re already on-site will save you a return trip.

Shingles roof damage covered with frost. Close up view on Asphalt Roofing Shingles Background. Roof Shingles - Roofing

2. The Roof & Gutters

A quick visual inspection is usually enough to tell if you have any missing shingles or chimney caps. Take some time to look for rust, moss, and leaf buildups. If things are growing out of your gutters you’ll need to get up there with a ladder right away. Keep an eye on the ceiling inside as well. People rarely look up without reason and there may be signs of a leak inside that your renters haven’t noticed yet.

Northern Virginia Property Management knows where to look for issues with gutters and your roof so that you can protect your property from more costly damage.

3. Appliances

Any appliances you provided to the renter such as a stove or built-in microwave should be inspected. These items are costly to replace so you’ll want to be sure your renter is cleaning and maintaining them. If you are able to without being too invasive, check the dryer vents to ensure there isn’t a lint buildup.

4. Sinks & Toilets

Sure your renters pay the water bill now, but you’d probably rather not pay for those leaks or running toilets during vacancies. Plus, providing great spaces to your renters means taking care of those annoying drips and running toilets. Sometimes renters are too busy to report it, so check during your inspections. The cost of these repairs is usually very low, and the value from renter satisfaction is volumes higher.

5. The Foundation

Keep an eye on cracks on ceilings, around windows, and in areas around the outside of the home. Some signs of foundation issues that the average person can spot are:

  • Sticking doors or windows or doors that won’t latch properly anymore
  • Wall cracks
  • Floor cracks
  • Bowing walls
  • Basement moisture problems

If you spot signs of these it might be a good idea to schedule a professional to come in and take a look before it becomes a bigger issue.

6. Lawn & Curb Appeal

Lawns can be costly to replace, so you’ll need to check that your renters are watering, keeping weeds under control, mowing, etc. If your property is part of an HOA or association, yard care becomes even more critical to stop you from receiving fines if your renters aren’t keeping things neat. Be sure to check the back and sides of the property as well, as the front yard isn’t always indicative of the condition of the rest of the yard.

7. Pests

Pests can be very expensive to get under control once they’ve established themselves as a resident in your rental property. Peek in your attic, basement, and garage as well as in light fixtures and window sills. You’ll usually see evidence of them in these areas if they are present. Ask your renters too, and they’ll happily volunteer the info if they have a problem they hope you can help solve.

Dog laying on carpet and covered with blanket

8. Unregistered Pets

We think pets are amazing! We also think it is important for renters to follow the rules and register all pets. Pet fees and deposits are meant to protect you from pet damage and unregistered pets don’t contribute to that protection.

It is usually pretty easy to spot whether there is a secret pet at one of your properties. Look for pet waste and signs of digging in the yard, as well as pet smells in the home. Pets also shed a lot, so giant dust bunnies all over the house or pet fur on the furniture might indicate the need to look closer.

Northern Virginia Property Management understands the costs of unregistered pets and can help you manage your renters and their four-legged friends.

Let RentSimple Help!

We’re here to help! Our clients get to leave the inspections to us! If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you protect your rental property take a minute to give us a call at (703) 574-6119 or contact us using the link below. Don’t forget to ask us about our service guarantees so you can see what sets us above the other property management companies in the area.


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